The need for special professionals

The Orbecles quality seal is the construction of a legal risk management system for companies that allow them to act securely in all their operations. Therefore, it requires knowledgeable professionals who can sufficiently commit themselves into the decisions they propose to the business owner.

Very often, business commitments subscribed by companies are achieved without the key information about their own rights and obligations. Often also without prior knowledge about the problems of the conflict of interests they face, and without the special professional defense of their interests in the negotiations.

It is also common for companies to avoid internal legal-business issues and end up going to unskilled professionals to solve them.

Quality seal Orbecles

It Guarantees the connection to the strictest professional secret. What allows us to know all the details of the companies without being forced to report for signs of infractions or other irregularities

Guarantees the exercise of powers and inviolable freedoms that allow exercising the defense of a position effectively

Legal protection. The members of Orbecles cannot be pressured, threatened or instigated by any public or private actor at risk of committing a criminal act

It guarantees the validity and legal effectiveness of a unique and independently adopted solution by Orbecles in favor of its client. Beyond the legal criterion or the solutions proposed or sustained by the administration or judicial authorities

The members of Orbecles are bound by an absolute duty of independence vis-à-vis the authority or third parties and bound commitment to the cause and interests of the clients of Orbecles. They are subject to severe disciplinary penalties in case of defrauding the loyalty due to the cause or problem of the client and / or to corrupt their principle or the justice that is due to them

What is the Orbecles certificate for?

It certifies that the relationship or problem under examination has been analyzed and resolved by an authorized professional and the result achieved is in accordance with the law

It guarantees that the client has been fully informed of the solution of the legal problems resulting from the relations under examination and of the existence of consequences

It certifies in acts with third parties that the client signs in full knowledge of the facts, what allows us to guarantee the reality and integrity of the consent

It ensures the identity of the client and the recognition of the parties

It eliminates difficulties and possibilities of subsequent opposition

It creates a protocol where copies of documents are kept

It allows the parties to prevail on the document because of its probative value

It is fully effective where the authentic act is not mandatory


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  • C/ Pilar nº2 1ºa 30850 Totana (Murcia) España

Anticipar y Prevenir

Toda gestión trata de organizar del mejor modo posible los recursos de la empresa con el fin de conseguir sus objetivos. Asegurarse de cumplir con la legalidad es uno de los objetivos más importantes de toda gestión.

La prevención y la anticipación son dos facetas importantes sea lo que sea que hagamos. No es cierto afirmar que actuamos sin pensar, menos aún que actuar sin pensar es lo correcto. Tampoco tiene sentido prevenir si  actuar.



Gestionar el Riesgo Legal

En el mundo empresarial existe un alto riesgo jurídico: Una falta de gestión legal supone un desconocimiento de la ley y por tanto un alto riesgo de resultar condenado por las administraciones y los tribunales. Gestionar la legalidad es evitar las condenas.


Materializar los Proyectos

Todo proyecto tiene una dimensión de riesgo.  Abandonar un proyecto por el hecho de que existan riesgos no es razonable. Tener en consideración el riesgo es el mejor modo de aprovechar las oportunidades.

Por ello, la posibilidad de contar con un diagnóstico legal que nos indique en cada momento la situación jurídica en la que nos encontramos permitirá fijar el punto de referencia a partir de cual se puedan elaborar planes legales de actuación para disminuir los riesgos existentes y prever los derivados de actuaciones futuras. De este modo, el Derecho, más que un enemigo, se convierte en un aliado que nos ayuda a consolidar las oportunidades y asegurar parte de nuestro éxito.
