Our products are made specifically for each company. They adapt perfectly to the structure and organization of the company for which they are intended


Our products are designed to provide the greatest legal security. They study the problems, classify them and solve them in detail


Our products are created and remodeled as the demands of the Courts of Justice change, aligning the business operation with the law

The advantages of being legally sustainable

  • Avoid lawsuits and convictions

  • Improve processes and reduce costs

  • Improve the brand image of the company
  • Build loyalty and getting new customers / suppliers

  • Boost growth

  • Improve financing and be able to access to new markets


Our products are designed to eliminate all costs that result from a poor management of the legality. Therefore, we work so that the number of legal problems is 0



Violation of rights

Denial of responsibilities


More results

The products we design allow companies to obtain the benefits of being legally sustainable. These benefits work in the sense of strengthening and improving the global results of the company in the short, medium and long term

Secure and protect the rights of customers

Attend to the demands of customers

Require suppliers to have safety, commitment and quality standards

Protect and guarantee workers’ rights

Protect the company from legal hackers

Commit to the legality of all operations

Establish legal compliance controls

Fulfill commitments and properly define responsibilities

Promote the proper management of legality

Our Products


System of legal services available to the client and meant to attend to the issues that may arise in the day to day


Product that implements a legal risk management system for a basic level of legal security


The implementation of a basic level legal risk management system is achieved and it is at your disposal a combination of legal services available to implement the system


The implementation of an advanced level legal risk management system is achieved and legal provisions are available to implement the system


The implementation of a legal risk management system in an advanced level is achieved and it is at your disposal a combination of legal services available to implement the system


© 2019 Orbecles S.L.
Designed by Freepik and flaticon

  • C/ Pilar nº2 1ºa 30850 Totana (Murcia) España

Anticipar y Prevenir

Toda gestión trata de organizar del mejor modo posible los recursos de la empresa con el fin de conseguir sus objetivos. Asegurarse de cumplir con la legalidad es uno de los objetivos más importantes de toda gestión.

La prevención y la anticipación son dos facetas importantes sea lo que sea que hagamos. No es cierto afirmar que actuamos sin pensar, menos aún que actuar sin pensar es lo correcto. Tampoco tiene sentido prevenir si  actuar.



Gestionar el Riesgo Legal

En el mundo empresarial existe un alto riesgo jurídico: Una falta de gestión legal supone un desconocimiento de la ley y por tanto un alto riesgo de resultar condenado por las administraciones y los tribunales. Gestionar la legalidad es evitar las condenas.


Materializar los Proyectos

Todo proyecto tiene una dimensión de riesgo.  Abandonar un proyecto por el hecho de que existan riesgos no es razonable. Tener en consideración el riesgo es el mejor modo de aprovechar las oportunidades.

Por ello, la posibilidad de contar con un diagnóstico legal que nos indique en cada momento la situación jurídica en la que nos encontramos permitirá fijar el punto de referencia a partir de cual se puedan elaborar planes legales de actuación para disminuir los riesgos existentes y prever los derivados de actuaciones futuras. De este modo, el Derecho, más que un enemigo, se convierte en un aliado que nos ayuda a consolidar las oportunidades y asegurar parte de nuestro éxito.
